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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Knowing more about the PNR status CAN and MOD ?

What Is PNR status CAN and MOD ?

What Is PNR status CAN and MOD

Need to consider CAN and MOD and how might it relate to Indian Railways? We will discuss the proportional and you will get a sensible idea in regards to these phrasings in a compact way and its association with Railways as well. 

Routinely it happens that when people take a gander at their PNR status, what they get is CAN/MOD status and people habitually very feel empowered and curious to consider what does it truly mean. 

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CAN speaks to fixing and it portrays that Indian Railways has alloted a specific PNR number to a ticket anyway it is been separate for clearing out. That PNR number beyond question won't be consigned to some other ticket and with time and gradually will get flushed. 

MOD, of course, speaks to balanced and depicts how it is been changed once and it is been appropriated with a PNR number. It generally speaking happens when railroad specialists or a customer change or modify travel plan or nuances. It could be a little change in anything like in explorer name, date of trip, travel class, and so forth. Along these lines, think about everything and try to take a gander at your PNR status to verify the truth whether your ticket gets insisted or not. Welcome the issue free and have a smooth journey and with the advancement, be revived essentially all the wordings used and related to Indian Railways.
Location: India


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