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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Here You Understanding the different PNR Status Abbreviations?

Understanding the different PNR Status Abbreviations?

The Passenger Name Record (PNR) current status indicated online is used to know whether the booked ticket is CNF, RAC, WL, GNWL, PQWL, RLWL or TQWL. 

This is the thing that all of the above condensings speaks to: 

  • CNF – Confirmed 
  • Avowed + RAC 
  • RAC – Reservation Against Cancellation 
  • RAC + WL 
  • WL – Waiting List 
  • GNWL – General Waiting List 
  • PQWL – Pooled Quota Waiting List 
  • RLWL – Remote Location Waiting List 
  • TQWL – Tatkal Waiting List 

The going with breakout explains how a ticket status expect an essential activity in an explorers train adventure. 

CNF – A PNR Number with CNF status infers, the front seat has been asserted and the seat will be allotted in the wake of laying out.
RAC – RAC infers Reservation Against Cancellation. A ticket having PNR Status RAC (Reservation Against Cancellation), the explorer is allowed to travel and two voyagers share a comparable billet. If, a certified explorer doesn't stack up the train, a full compartment is conveyed to the voyager with RAC ticket.
WL – WL speaks to Waiting List. A ticket whose PNR status reflects WL(Waiting List), taking everything into account, the explorer's ticket is in a Waiting summary and they are not allowed to stack up the train. A holding up list ticket can be dropped by the voyager 30 minutes before the trip of the train. In case a Waiting List (WL) ticket doesn't get certified, it gets dropped thusly. 

CAN – A ticket with CAN PNR status infers, the front seat has been dropped. 

GNWL – GNWL speaks to General Waitlist. A General Waitlist ticket is the one which gets confirmed after the explorers drop their attested arrangements 

TQWL – TQWL speaks to Tatkal Waitlist. Exactly when an explorer does a tatkal booking and is put on the waitlist (WL), the status is showed up as TQWL. It's basic to know, this ticket is most radically opposed to get confirmed. 

PQWL – PQWL status appears Under Pooled Quota Waitlist. The explorers going between widely appealing stations and have an alternate waitlist from the general waitlist. 

RLWL – RLWL speaks to Remote Location Waitlist. A Remote Location Waitlist has high chances of insistence. Humbler stations have an alternate part of seats and holding up seats on these widely appealing stations are given RLWL status. 

RSWL – RSWL infers Road Side Waitlist. A station-unequivocal waitlist is known as a Road-Side Waitlist. 

NR – NR signifies 'No Room' and no further arrangements are allowed with a NR ticket status 

NOSB – NOSB is a shortening for No Seat Berth. Adolescents underneath 12 years of age pay kid affirmation and are not assigned seats. Their PNR status shows NOSB – No Seat Berth. 

REL – REL speaks to Released 

WEBCAN – It's a Railway Counter Ticket. Right when an explorer has been dropped over the web and the markdown has not been assembled. 

WEBCANRF – It's a Railway Counter Ticket. Right when an explorer has been dropped over the web and the markdown has been assembled. 

Humanely note, the explorers having Waitlist (WL) and Reservation Against Cancellation (RAC) gets a markdown. 
Make a due note. if your train is set up for departure and its booking plot is closed, the cost of your Waitlist ticket will be normally limited to your money related equalization.
Location: India


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